Ortler, biwak on a normal route, traverse to Monte Zebru, Biwak Cantu and then around Gran Zebru


Ortler, biwak on a normal route, traverse to Monte Zebru, Biwak Cantu and then around Gran Zebru


Four day mid-september trip to Ortler Alps with an excelent weather. Ortler (3905) via Hintergrad (2 passages of IV UIAA, ice 40 degrees), then descend to biwi on a normal route. Following day another ascent to Ortler followed by descending to Cantu biwak via southern ridge. Pavel hiked the Monte Zebru SOLO on a third day, I was lying in a bed sick. Last day, we traversed both Zebrus from from the south due to my inability :/ Anyway, still great trip!! :o)



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Ortler, biwak on a normal route, traverse to Monte Zebru, Biwak Cantu and then around Gran Zebru
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